Scratching the SurfaceOct 02, 2015 - Oct 29, 2015

Curatorial Statement

Opening Reception October 2, 2015, 5-7 PM Exhibition

Exhibition Posted Online: October 5, 2015, by 10 AM Mountain Time

In 2012 Jason Bige Burnett organized the first Arrowmont Surface Forum, inviting professional ceramic artists together for an intense week of exchange, collaboration, and camaraderie. A few years later, and folks clamor for an invitation. “Scratching the Surface” is an exhibition of work from all the makers who have been in attendance.

We invited them to share works rooted in and influenced by their time at the forum, however loosely. Experiences are springboards, and the Forum is just that for many participants. One technique shared is translated through another lens and applied in a completely new way. A single conversation unlocks a door one just could not find the key to alone.

Red Lodge Clay Center and Arrowmont, along with many other ceramic centers across the globe provide time and room for incubation. This month we are happy to partner with Jason to showcase the fruits from his labor of love.

Be sure to check out the amazing lineup of artists and read their statements as we have asked them to address the importance of creative sanctuary, the hierarchies of surface and form, among other topics.

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