Featured Artist Jason HackettNov 06, 2015 - Dec 23, 2015

Curatorial Statement

Opening Reception November 6, 2015, 5-7 PM Exhibition

Exhibition Posted Online: November 9, 2015, by 10 AM Mountain Time


I understand the world in an evocative fashion and view my artworks as both physical and philosophical memorials to ‘Distance and Closeness’. During the construction of this new series of works, I consider ideas such as the value of community and family, the honesty of both gross and tedious labor, the mysteriousness of the metaphysical, and the passage time.

Each piece is primarily assembled from objects made by hand and mold formed methods. Captured materials, images and forms are merged in commemorative context where contemplation defines their functional nature. Individually they are vases, hands, and cultural icons made of clay. Collectively, they are symbols and metaphors simultaneously expressing proximity and distance, material and immaterial, and the tangible and intangible.

-Jason Hackett

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