Don ReitzClarkdale, Arizona

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The new body of work has developed because of two factors.

First, it is a continuation of my ever- developing thought process over the years. The images have changed but the creative response to materials, forming processes, and firing techniques have stayed constant. The work has always been a reflection of my life and person. It seems the only constant I have is change.

Secondly, the work is in response to my recent illness that kept me from working in the physical world for two years. Unable to do much physical work, I had to rely on others for their particular expertise. For the first time my hands were not involved in the making of parts to assemble. However, this enabled me to concentrate totally on the object. There is a great sense of freedom and excitement that happens to you when you walk into a room full of leather hard units waiting to be assembled into an object of art. This process has allowed me to gain a new perspective on the relationship of positive and negative space. Unlike the containing vessel, the dynamics of inner space take on new potentials.

Although the sculptures are basically slab and cylinder constructions, I want them to retain the freedom and plastic quality of the clay. The combination of free form slabs and rigid cylinders that have been cutout, punched-in, and unwound is tremendously exciting. I think of these sculptures as three-dimensional drawings that will be visually transformed by the long six-day wood fire. Placing the sculptures in the kiln so that each will receive the best use of the ash and flame to create color and markings that are appropriate to each piece is a challenge.

This is a very exciting time for me. I look forward to and welcome the next stage in my life and artistic career.