Liz Quackenbush – Featured ArtistNov 05, 2010 - Nov 28, 2010

Curatorial Statement

We will feature new works by Liz Quackenbush for the month of November. Quackenbush states in her artist statement… “I’ve been inspired by work as varied as the medieval folk traditions of Europe, the ancient decorative impulse in Iran and Morocco and the charm of 19th century Staffordshire porcelain where adornment of everyday life is the impetus. I’ve drawn from them all, in decorative motif and in sheer physicality. These choices have coalesced into a very specific and personal formal idiom, perfectly suited to the larger conceptual implications of my work as a whole. Patterns of animal and reptile skins inspire some of my surface decoration decisions. The forms of these creatures give birth to my pottery forms.”